Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nanosolar Announcement Update 9/9/9

I will be posting an article before noon EST tomorrow, 9/9/9 concerning the "significant" news event coming out of Nanosolar. Just because I've been such a tease in the past, I should mention, it's not going to contain EEStor content. But that's ok because Nanosolar is one of those companies that on it's own is poised to transform the world....and with some luck, I'll have a thought or two from Martin Roscheisen on the grand old topic of energy storage. (although no guarantees, remember I said "with some luck.")

Update: Nanosolar will announce a monumental achievement tomorrow. A feast for the eyes and a pleasure for numbers crunchers.

1 comment:

SevenCell said...

Nanosolar's announcement is very exciting. It looks as though First Solar may have decided to deliberately trump Nanosolar's press with the September 7th and 8th deal with China....a little too coincidental. Unless First Solar had planned their announcement dates first. Nanosolar's white paper calls out First Solar by name and claims a current capacity 6 times that of First Solar.

The question in my mind is: Did China explore Nanosolar enough to know the performance difference?