Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ian Clifford Interview with much EEStor Discussion

This is the most recent article containing an interview of Ian Clifford of Zenn Motor Company and covers much about EEStor. It also mentions some of the challenges and strategy issues, Zenn has had to work through in all of this. All in all, a great new article to reflect upon.

Here's an interesting snippet from the article:

The numbers


Percentage of new car buyers in California who say they would buy an electric car for their next vehicle

678,108 gallons

Amount of crude oil the New York Power Authority estimates it saved by retrofitting school buses to electric power, providing incentives for electric cars and other initiatives aimed at boosting electric transportation


Number of electric vehicles expected on the roads in Europe, their biggest market, by 2015

40 km-h

Top speed of a Zenn neighbourhood car

14 km-h

Average speed on Manhattan streets


Note also, Clifford will answer questions for theglobeandmail.com on Friday. More info at TheEEStory.com