At some point recently, EEStor supplier Polarity Inc., announced via it's website a contract with EEStor Inc. In its entirety, the terse release says:
2009 Awarded contract from EESTOR to integrate Polarity’s high power HV to LV converter into EESTOR's EESU that will be used in Zenn Motor Company’s small to medium size electric car
The converter in question is further described on Polarity's Products page:
Polarity designed this HVLV600 DC to DC converter with the following specifications:
- Input Voltage - 3700VDC to 700VDC
- Output voltage and current - 600VDC, 17A
- Maximum Output Power - 10KW
- Short circuit proof
- Effeciency > 90%
- Cooling - Maximum base plate temp 60C
Monitoring and control
- Battery charge complete
- Battery voltage
- Buss voltage
- Inhibit
- Up conversion enable
- Down conversion enable
- Overload
- External 12VDC power supply
Polarity has also had a patent publish in Aug 2008 at WIPO.
Story Source. Thx Paulnessss