Thursday, November 5, 2009

NASA Purchases EEStor Technology: EEStor Expands Claims for 8X Improvement of EESU.

NASA released a treasure trove of EEStor documentation today including revelations that they have already purchased EEStor Technology. According to internal documents obtained from a recent FOIA request, at least one NASA official has indicated making a purchase of EEStor technology for testing purposes. In the January 16, 2009 email, NASA researcher Robert Ambrose is responding to an internal query about EEstor and writes:

"We have been studying them for use in our regenerative braking scheme, where they need high specific power, but don't need a large total energy. We purchased some and will build them into a flywheel test that we do for all our servo drive systems. "

Ambrose was unavailable for comment due to a meeting he is attending in the Netherlands.

The apparent purchase of EEStor technology would be the first publicly known transaction for the technology to date. Included emails from other officials express doubts which were filtered to Ambrose because of his apparent knowledge of EEStor.

The documents released today by NASA also contain a presentation from EEStor where they claim their future generations of EESU will have two to eight times more energy density than their first generation technology. Thus, the much discussed 52kWh EESU could go as high as 416kWh or in other words, the 300 mile Electric Vehicle range could become 2400 miles.

The presentation also includes a slide comparing EEStor specifications to those of lithium battery maker A123 Systems.

This release of new information about EEStor comes on the heals of a bit of dissappointment surrounding whether or not EEStor successfully completed component and/or UL testing. Without a public announcement, many followers have been starving for net new news (NNN).

As with most EEStor stories, you can be certain a predictable hysterical debate will ensue on, the official site for hysterical EEStor debate.