On Aug 18, 2011, Zenn Motor Company published an update on it's financial condition which looked weaker than a hotdog stand in the middle of the desert. The good news though is Zenn is aligning their cash burn rate (formerly known as a bonfire inferno) to match the pace of development at EEStor. Why is this good news? It means Zenn now knows EEStor's pace of development. Or does it? Well, we know one important thing now: Zenn is spending all of it's time focusing on it's relationship with EEStor:
"At the same time we have worked hard to build on our relationship with EEStor." -Jim Kofman
Sometimes people use words like investor, supplier or co-owner to describe relationships such as this but I'm pretty sure this is not where we are in this case. When Kofman says 'relationship' he's speaking more of what people in therapy mean as in, "I love you so much but we need to work on our relationship." As I've had relationship difficulties in the past, I've got some advice for Kofman:
1) Never let Dick Weir pay for the all-you-can-eat chinese buffet. Just make sure you get in line ahead of him so he can't ring his up before you get your tray filled up. They don't serve alcohol at Dick's favorite spot so bring along a half-carafe of merlot in your coat pocket and casually offer it to him as a special treat.
2) Always set aside time each day to let Dick Weir talk about his feelings, hopes & dreams. This means you can't be looking at your blackberry, Jim. You have to set it down and validate what he is saying with interesting responses so Dick knows you care. Be a good conversationalist. Ask him about his plans for his minivan--will he continue to service it or would a nicely deserved cadillac be in his future? How will he pay for it?
3) Hold hands during important conversations. It's really difficult to yell at someone whose hand you are holding. Try it even if you feel silly at first. If his hands are dusty, ask him if alumina coated powders have high permittivity or just uncoated ones.
4) Don't be so mechanical. Remember to date Dick Weir with as much effort as you put into having business with him. Take him to the movies--something uplifting where story lines focus around completed missions...like Iron Man 2. (BTW, ask him afterwards if he thinks such technology is realistic)
5) Bring back spontaneity and surprises. For example, do you always have to enter EEStor's offices from the front door? Why not camp out at the adjoining parking lot for the medical clinic and when things are being delivered out back sprint up with some flowers and say, "hey partners, I've missed all of you so much...these are for you!" You might as well have a look around the production line while you are there since it would be awkward otherwise. Note anything labeled "Lockheed Martin."
But in all of this, don't try too hard because that makes people flee (investors?). But if you find yourself not trying at all, then that's equally problematic. I've got other ideas here but I don't want to seem like a know it all especially since I'm not a mergers & acquisition expert from UBS. I'm a bit of a dope comparatively speaking.
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