Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lockheed Sticks to EEStory

When you ask an important question for which obtaining a true answer is critical, is it better to catch someone off guard with a question they didn't think you would ask as in a meeting face to face or is it better to submit questions in writing in advance giving the subject time to think, craft, massage....or even spin? Are reactive answers more informative than proactive ones? Or maybe your introspection is insufficiently developed to care.

The answer is both approachea complement each other. Truth comes when you ask the same questions in lots of different ways. But we don't always have the luxury of understanding something from all angles. Such is the case with what may be the most interesting public disclosure in the eestory: I'm talking about the interview of Lionel Liebman from Lockheed Martin posted January 10, 2008. See Also, the press release.

My first impression of that interview was that Liebman ....[article continued here].

to continue this article

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