Friday, January 28, 2011

McCoullough Speaks

Note from Sylvia McCollough:

Thank you. As a former Advocate for ZMC, but no longer working in a professional capacity, I am still very much supporting the success of EEStor's technology. I continue to hope Michigan will be considered a viable location for any advanced EESU and ZMC technology development. We are just waiting for the final development of the technology, as are others.

And wait, wait, and wait and wait.   See especially 0:54:

Monday, January 24, 2011

ZMC Lobbyist Says Senator Carl Levin Supportive of Zenn (a year ago anyway)

From Facebook
Poor Sylvia McCoullough.  Lobbyists tend to shy away from media attention unless it serves a good purpose.  But now here she is in my blog as a centerpiece in the latest chapter about EEStor Inc.  Ouch. (dont worry, this won't hurt a bit)

 About a year ago, I was looking into her work on behalf of ZMC America (Zenn Motor Company's American subsidiary) to see if I could learn anything about what America's elected officials are doing in relation to EEStor.   As I reported previously, no less than the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, Carl Levin had taken an interest in EEStor/Zenn.

In a prior article, I spelled out some of this and was of course accused of being a liar among other things (thanks geniuses).  At the time, I could have pointed to McCoullough but I figured why drag an innocent bystander into the dirty (but occasionally amusing) debate around whether or not EEStor is real.  Thanks to a Facebook posting today by Mrs. McCoullough on Former Michigan Governor Granholm's page, I no longer have to protect the identity of someone I've never met or spoken to.    It caused me to do a google and find another Facebook reference to EEStor by Mrs. McCoullough.   It is this second posting which interests me the most since it basically provides additional evidence for what I reported previously, that Senator Levin had offered some support for a Zenn facility in Michigan.

In a Discussion Board posting (exact date unknown-'over a year ago'), McCoullough responds to a query from a random guy (talk show host actually: about EEStor:

Lots of work to be done yet, and we have only a small window of opportunity to pull all of this together; as China, Japan, England and Canada are also hoping to win these two new green energy Industries.....but Michigan is in the runnning, and we're working hard to make it all happen. Senator Carl Levin is being supportive and working with us on winning a grant for ZMC who is also investing $5Mil in the new Drivetrain Development & Research Center. 

Later she adds:

 I will keep you posted, and if you like I can send you our presentation information; has all the information regaridng both the battery and ZENN/ZMC Inc. 
EESTor will have a functioning prototype within the next two -three months, if not sooner. They have surpassed all their milestones, and have only one more validation before they all the paper work is signed and they set a production date. The last test will be final wivery soon and a funtioning prototype ready to be introduced to the World!
The same venture capital group that invested in Google and Amazon have also invested in EESTor Inc., and say this battery will do for this industry what the "chip" did for the Silicon Valley, which would be a miracle for Michigan!
The battery will be lighter, cheaper, and be a better battery than what is being proposed for the Volt; plus its been developed in America and will be produced in America, using Bariam , which is commonly found throughout North America; unlike Lithium which is found mainly in China, Russia and Bolivia. 
Yes, the battery will make all electric cars cheaper and better than anything on the development horizon today, including the GM Volt. 
See ZENN Inc. website and EESTOR Cedar Park, Texas website....lot's of great information. 
Thank you so much for your interest, and I'll be sure an let you know what's happening! 
Good Luck with your new Show! 
Sylvia McCollough

It's sort of hard to make that up. But I suppose there will be a few knuckle heads who cast aspersions on Mrs. McCoullough. 

Senator Levin Wagging His Finger at EEStor Doubters
Ok, what does this all add up to?  Not a tremendous amount but it is yet another clue.  As I reported previously, when Senator Levin's office began investigating whether or not they wanted to be involved with Zenn (McCoullough's client), Levin called Lockheed Martin as I learned from an anonymous source Lockheed Martin authorized me to speak with at a conference a year ago (I kept that source anonymous at the source's request).  A call from the Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman is a big deal considering Lockheed Martin's almost entire existence depends upon what that committee allows to happen from a $800Bil/yr budget standpoint.   So that call went to Lockheed CEO Robert Steven's office.  And as I noted, the timing of the call was prior to the ZMC proposal being submitted to the DOE (which included a reference to Senator Levin in one of the letters).  ...which basically means Lockheed didn't scare Levin away from EEStor when he called them inquiring. 

This paragraph is solely for the international audience (and a majority of Americans) who have no idea what any of this means. To keep it simple:  funding for the US military emanates from laws passed every year allocating funds.  So, if you're a  top leader in the Military with a great new way to spend several billion dollars, at some point you probably have to run it by the legislature, specifically the Senate Armed Services Commitee, chaired by Senator Levin and Senator John McCain.   It is a very powerful position committee in the US federal government and Levin is a very powerful person in our government (my fingers tremble as I type this). 

Does any of this mean the US government has an official position on EEStor?  No, but it does mean there is some activity afoot and it's those afoots that  keep me writing. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yet Another EEStor Patent Application: Power Averaging

Due to an inadvertent misconfiguration early in the process, the EEStor pilot production line under construction in their Cedar Park, TX facility has been producing patent applications instead of capacitor components for the past couple years.  No word on when that might get corrected. In the meantime, the    latest EEStor patent application, published today, January 20, 2011 has to do with with power averaging.   The abstract indicates the following:

A system is disclosed for providing power averaging for the utility grids and more specifically to utilizing a unique EESU unit with the capability to store electrical energy over 24 hour periods each day and provide power averaging to homes, commercial, and industrial sites to reduce the peak power requirements. charging such power averaging units during the non-peak times and delivering the energy during the peak demands times provides for more efficient utilization of utility-grid power-generating plants and the already existing capability of isolating the users from utility grid power failures, transients and AC noise. 

According to unnamed sources, this patent has caused a few concerned individuals over at American Power Conversion to clean out their desk and update their linkedin profile.  Not so fast folks. You can always license your existence from EEStor.  Good luck.  Oh, I almost forgot, that is....IF Dick Weir's battery works.  So many geniuses make it clear to us that actually testing dielectrics and components for energy density may be something Weir shelved a long time ago.  Brilliant insight.

Furthermore, the patent reveals what EEStor thinks a home EESU might cost:  $4000-$5000. It would save the end user approximately $1000/yr in situations where off peak electricity is cheaper than during peak. (assuming more variables than I or EEStor care to list).  

Discussion question:  when people are wrong about what is scientifically possible, is it more correct to refer to them as morons or neanderthals?  Oh, you're right, that's not polite.  They are simply in error.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Former Zenn Exec Sues Zenn

Cott & Hancock Discuss ZMC Strategy
Former Zenn Motor Company Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Dennis Hancock is suing ZMC & executive Brian Cott. The case is summarized in a supposedly publicly available document from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Court File No. CV-10-411405.   According to the document, Hancock is seeking $20Mil+, a company car powered by an EESU, a lifetime supply of mood enhancing incense,  tangible evidence of UFO's and personal apology from Brian Cott at center ice at next year's Stanley Cup prior to the start of the game.  The suit also seeks all of Cott's frequent flyer miles earned from travel to/from the People's Republic of China along with any cool recipes for peking duck he may have acquired while on business travel.   In an interesting countersuit, Cott, if proven innocent,  is seeking the right to fire Hancock repeatedly just prior to each of his family vacations regardless of where Hancock works. Hancock would also need to change his name to Hancott.

I will not comment on the merits of the case as I'm not qualified to do so.   However, it is interesting to ask what exactly such a lawsuit is an argument over in the first place.  Is it a fight over an empty bank account or a future blockbuster company rocketing to the top on the back of breakthrough technology?

I for one look forward to all of the kook comments coming from the Short & Distort team as to how the Zenn/EEStor scam conspirators cover their tracks by suing each other over a wrongful termination issue.  Geniuses.

PS: I made up some of the things Hancock is suing for.  I think the money part is real.  Don't take my word for it, research it yourself.

Energy Storage: An Old Story for a New Year

Imagine for a second that instead of being the run of the mill shlub that you are today, you had actually quite an interesting life which of course often means you would have had to of had an interesting beginning.   Computers are interesting so let's say you were around when some of the interesting innovations in computers were literally coming online.  One such interesting time would have been in the 1950s & 1960s when, for example, there was a need to invent several technologies to make distributed RADAR such as SAGE possible.

Specifically, the purpose of SAGE was to prevent the need for aircraft to fly 24x7 to defend US air space from Russian bombers.  To achieve this, radar sites had to be linked together over a network (the technology of which didn't exist) to a computer which could process it in real time (again, something that didn't exist) so that a video display (not this either) could present immediate access to needed airspace information allowing US jets to scramble, when needed, to intercept inbound bombers.    Again, this is your imaginary other life, so put yourself in that situation and imagine what piece of it you would have enjoyed being a part of?  One suggestion for you would be the problem of Core Memory, the technological forerunner to what we today affectionately label RAM.  For SAGE, the need for this CM drew from the slow computing speeds available at the time only from electrostatic storage tubes.